Saturday, October 25, 2008

want to pass your class?

Just about everybody I know is failing at least one class. I've learned the hard way that when you pass you have a happier life. (especially when you have an over bearing mom.) just think for a moment about different ways to pass. If you can't think of any use this step-by-step guide to an A:

  1. Eat a good breakfast (yum!)
  2. Finish your work ahead of schedule (don't let yourself get behind)
  3. Talk to your teachers (if your too shy email or write a note)
  4. Study, study, study (it's self explanatory)
  5. Sleep (Zzz...)
  6. Get help when you need it (don't mooch, they won't help you if you do)
  7. Repeat 1-5 (repeat 6 when necessary)
  8. repeat 7 until done
  9. You got an A! Yay! Here, have a cookie


LoveatFirstSight 8^] said...

Not everyone is failing a class I believe. I love this guide. I really think this could help people. Now I'm just wondering, Mac, do you follow this guide? If not, you should! It seems easy, well said, and done. I hope you're not failing any classes. I sure am not, but I know that your guide could help me stay on top of things.

naruto fanguy 369 said...

LaFs22: you're right! I do try to follow it. The only one I don't always follow is step 7. (repeat 1-5, 6 when neccesary.) I'm currently not failing any classes, but I did get a few grades below sea level in S1.